Another Run at Legalizing Marijuana


A newly proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution released this week by the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), a Washington D.C.-based group, would allow Ohioans to possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana with a physician’s approval to treat severe pain, muscle spasms, post-traumatic stress disorder and other specific outlined conditions.  MPP has played a major role in crafting legislation in most of the 23 states that have some sort of legalized marijuana. The amendment also establishes two types of cultivation licenses, large-scale and small-scale, and licensing for individuals who want to start marijuana businesses for retail, manufacturing, distribution and/or testing. Supporters of the amendment must submit 1,000 signatures and an amendment summary to the Ohio Attorney General.  If the Attorney General certifies the measure, the Ohio Ballot Board will decide if the proposed amendment is one or more ballot issues.  At that point, proponents could begin collecting the 305,591 signatures necessary to qualify for the November ballot.  Signatures are due by July 6 to qualify for the November election.
