24 Apply to PUCO


Twenty four applicants for two open seats on the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) were submitted by the deadline earlier this month. The open seats are the result of the pending expiration of Commissioner Lynn Slaby’s term, which ends in April, and the resignation of Howard Petricoff, who chose to withdraw his nomination rather than risk his appointment being denied by the Senate. Applicants include 10 Democrats, 10 Republicans and four independents The PUCO’s 12-member nominating council will compile a short list of top candidates for interviews to take place next week. Finalists will then be forwarded to the governor who will make the appointments within 30 days of receiving the names. State law prohibits any more than three members of the PUCO to be affiliated with either major party, but that’s a nonfactor given the committee’s current makeup; Gov. Kasich will be able to make appointments from applicants of any political affiliation.  1/19/2017
