Workforce Roundup: In-Demand Jobs Week Is Here


This week’s workforce-related updates and resources include the following:

  • The next round of TechCred opens Monday, May 2, giving employers another chance to upskill employees and be reimbursed up to $2,000 per credential. (See this OMA summary.)
  • May 2-6 is In-Demand Jobs Week in Ohio. Are you taking advantage of this opportunity to recruit talent? Check out the week’s events planned across the state.
  • The Ohio STEM Learning Network is seeking businesses to host two or three local K-12 educators onsite for two days between June 20 and July 31 for the Manufacturing and Engineering Externship Program (MEEP). Details here.
  • A new resistance spot welding program will be offered by The Ohio State University on July 26-27. The certificate program is primarily for engineers and technicians in the automotive industry, but can also apply to those involved with steel manufacturing.

Meanwhile, the American Enterprise Institute has called for the return of the Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program (IRAP). The think tank says IRAPs are a more flexible alternative to registered apprenticeship programs, especially for manufacturers. 4/27/2022
