Workforce Roundup: Creators Wanted Returns to Ohio

  • Creators Wanted — the workforce campaign of the National Association of Manufacturers and the Manufacturing Institute — will return to Ohio May 3-4, visiting Marysville. More details will be shared soon.
  • The OMA encourages members to participate in this Industry-Recognized Credential Feedback Survey from the Ohio Department of Education. Manufacturers’ input will help officials determine the value of industry-recognized credentials earned by high school students.
  • On April 27, the OMA is hosting a 10 a.m. webinar to highlight workforce development opportunities using Tooling U-SME, an Ohio-based organization that produces learning system software, certifications, and content for manufacturers. Learn more.
  • Also on April 27, the Manufacturing Institute will host a webinar to showcase its second-chance hiring toolkit. Register here.
  • The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services is hosting a Gen Z Virtual Career Fair. Employers can learn more here.

Finally, for manufacturers in the Miami Valley, OMA Connections Partner Clark State College will host virtual sessions starting April 26 on how to upskill and reskill your team with the help of a federal grant that aims to provide individuals with credentials and degrees. Learn more. 4/20/2023
