Top Ohio Occupations Don’t Pay Enough to Afford Modest Housing


Only two of the top 10 occupations in Ohio actually pay their employees enough to afford a modest two-bedroom apartment, according to a report just published by the National Low Income Housing Coalition. The ten occupations are: Food Preparation ($9.40/hr.), Retail Salespersons ($10.41/hr.), Registered Nurses ($30.59/hr.), Cashiers ($9.33/hr.), Laborers/Freight Movers ($12.66/hr.), Waiters/Waitresses ($9.45/hr.), Office Clerks ($14.42/hr.), Customer Service Reps.($15.34/hr.), Janitors/Cleaners ($11.59/hr.), and Stock Clerks ($11.65/hr.). Only nurses and customer service reps. clear the rent affordability hurdle ($15.25 an hour). 6/14/2018
