LIFT and MakerMinded Celebrate Top Schools in Ohio


Lightweight Innovations For Tomorrow, a Manufacturing USA institute, along with Tennessee Tech University iCube and the Ohio STEM Learning Network powered by Battelle, have announced the winning schools of the 2017-2018 MakerMinded competition. MakerMinded was launched in Ohio in 2017 to impassion students about advanced manufacturing and provide them with transformational learning experiences and 21st century skills to secure their path to in-demand careers. The MakerMinded digital platform provides access to a diverse range of national and local STEM and advanced manufacturing programs, including manufacturing facility tours, gaming activities, project-based learning, and competitions. The following four schools in Ohio are being recognized for excellence in advanced manufacturing and STEM learning through their participation in MakerMinded:

  • Dayton Regional STEM School – Dayton
  • Alliance Middle School – Alliance
  • Graham Middle School – St. Paris
  • Woodward Park Middle School – Columbus

To learn more about how to support your local schools in MakerMinded activities, reach out to Battelle’s Katy Delaney at (614) 424-7208 or T.R. Massey at (614) 424-5544. 7/11/2018
