How to Hire High School Students


Last year, Ohio implemented its Manufacturing Mentorship Program. Under this OMA-supported program, manufacturers are able to employ 16- and 17-year-olds on a part-time basis in manufacturing occupations. With the school year winding down, OMA members may want to consider hiring high school students to strengthen their talent pipeline. To participate in this program, manufacturing employers must:

  1. Set a duration of employment;
  2. Assign a mentor to the minor;
  3. Provide required training; and
  4. Encourage participation in career tech programs.

The OMA has created this short reference document for manufacturers to take advantage of the program. On a related note, the Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) has a program to reimburse employers 50% of intern wages (up to $1,500 per student) until Sept. 30. 5/3/2021
