CDC Issues COVID-19 Vaccine Priority Recommendations


While the federal government is overseeing the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines to the states, it’s up to state leaders to determine which residents are first to receive the limited quantities of these vaccinations. To help guide the states’ vaccination priorities, the CDC this week suggested that “frontline essential workers” — including manufacturing workers — and people 75 and older be prioritized in the next round of COVID-19 vaccinations (the so-called Phase 1B group). Earlier this week, Gov. Mike DeWine said it “will not be a secret” when Ohio finalizes its Phase 1B vaccination priorities, adding that the public and public will be notified. OMA Connections Partner Fisher Phillips advises employers to be patient since the amount and delivery of doses available remain uncertain. However, the firm says it’s not too early for employers to start making plans on how to handle the vaccination process by following these five suggestions. 12/22/2020
