OMA Urges Re-Opening of Economy; Governor’s Plan Coming Monday


The OMA and Ohio’s other major business groups this week urged the DeWine-Husted administration to begin re-opening the economy beginning on May 1. In a letter to the governor, the business groups pointed to “irreversible devastation and bankruptcies under prolonged ‘non-essential’ stay-at-home scenarios,” while highlighting the health-related consequences of long-term high unemployment. The letter followed last Friday’s testimony by the OMA and the other primary business groups to the Ohio House 2020 Economic Recovery Task Force. The testimony outlined the business community’s concerns in the wake of the pandemic — including access to materials, business cash flow, employer liability, supply chains, and workplace safety. Also this week, a coalition of state manufacturing associations — including the OMA — urged the governors of seven Midwestern states, including Ohio, to re-open “all of manufacturing and other essential businesses to protect our regional economy.” See the coalition’s letter. Gov. DeWine has said he plans to unveil details about Ohio’s re-opening plan on Monday, April 27. 4/24/2020
