OMA Opposes Garrett Nomination for Ex-Im Bank


Next Wednesday, November 1, the Senate Banking Committee will hold a hearing on nominations to the Export Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank) – including the nomination of Scott Garrett to lead the bank. OMA president Eric Burkland sent this letter to Sen. Sherrod Brown that describes OMA’s reasons for opposing the nomination of Scott Garrett to lead the bank. He wrote, “Mr. Garrett has a long record of opposing the fundamental mission of the Ex-Im Bank to support U.S. jobs through exports. Manufacturers in Ohio are concerned that he will not empower the agency to achieve its full capability but will instead hobble it. Beyond his votes against a multi-year reauthorization of the Ex-Im Bank in both 2012 and 2015, his opposition appears to be based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the agency and a disregard of the extremely tilted international landscape that manufacturers in the U.S. face.” 10/26/2017
