New Data! Manufacturing (Still) Drives Ohio’s Economy


OMA annually updates data about the significant impact Ohio manufacturing makes on the state’s economy. Fresh data has just been published in 2017 Ohio Manufacturing Counts.

  • Manufacturing is the largest of the 20 sectors of Ohio’s economy, contributing 18% of Ohio’s GDP.
  • Ohio’s manufacturing sector GDP of $108 billion ranks it third in the nation after only California and Texas.
  • There are 106 manufacturing NAICS categories in which Ohio is first, second or third in the nation.
  • Manufacturing provides 700,000 jobs for Ohio workers. More than one in 10 Ohioans works in manufacturing.
  • Manufacturing has an annual payroll of $39 billion, the highest total annual wages of any Ohio industry sector.
  • The average annual earnings of Ohio workers on manufacturing payrolls? More than $58,000.

Check it all out here. Our gratitude to our sponsors. 7/25/2017
