Medical Marijuana Hearings Commence


This week, the special committee established by Speaker Cliff Rosenberger (R-Clarksville) heard its first testimony.  Both opponents and proponents gave testimony.  The OMA plans to testify in two weeks. Meanwhile, the national Marijuana Policy Project, funded by marijuana business owners, is preparing to place the issue of medical marijuana on the ballot this fall, should the legislature fail to act (or, maybe if it acts).  A prospectus from the group solicits $25M from businesses that would “reap the benefit of successful passage.”  The group has been successful in other states. And, the Dayton Daily News reports that a second group, called ARC Reaction, is soliciting “… for investors to pony up $300,000 by Feb. 15 for initial research and chip in another $1.5 million by March 1 and $3.5 million more by April 1 to collect the 305,000 valid voter signatures required by early July to qualify for the statewide ballot.” Here’s a good rundown on the two groups
