DeWine Starts Second Term by Saluting Manufacturers


On Jan. 9, Gov. Mike DeWine took the oath of office for his second term as governor in a ceremonial swearing-in at the Statehouse. (He was sworn in officially the evening of Jan. 8, three days after his 76th birthday.) In his inaugural remarks at the Statehouse, DeWine spotlighted industry, saying: “Manufacturing is flourishing. Ohio has always been a manufacturing state. But now we are bringing the highest tech manufacturing known to man to the state of Ohio, and the world is taking notice.” Staff from the OMA and several member companies attended the swearing-in ceremonies of the governor, Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, and other state officeholders. Watch the governor’s inaugural speech here. (Also, here’s a look at the governor’s cabinet following some recent retirements.) 1/10/2023
