COVID-19 Cases Cut Into Lame Duck Session


The General Assembly started this week with a massive to-do list — one that included more than 20 different committee meetings for more than 100 bill hearings with little time remaining in the lame duck session. But a COVID-19 outbreak, in which at least four House members have tested positive, led to the cancellation of Wednesday’s (Dec. 9) House session and Thursday’s (Dec. 10) Senate session. The Plain Dealer reported that “several other House members” said they’re awaiting COVID-19 test results. Multiple House committees canceled scheduled hearings this week, “though it wasn’t immediately clear how many of those were due to the coronavirus.” So now lawmakers have just a few days remaining in the lame duck session to hold floor votes on several pending bills. Members can view the House schedule and Senate schedule for the most up-to-date information. 12/10/2020
