Asbestos Injury Standard at Stake in Turner v. Union Carbide Corp.


The OMA led an amicus appearance before the Supreme Court of Ohio to defend an important component of Ohio’s asbestos injury law.  At issue in the dispute against Union Carbide Corp. is whether a written health assessment by a competent medical authority is required in asbestos injury cases. In a jurisdictional brief authored by OMA counsel Anne Marie Sferra of Bricker & Eckler, the OMA asks the court to consider an appeal of the 8th District Court of Appeals (Cleveland) citing House Bill 292, a comprehensive asbestos litigation bill, enacted in 2004 “that allowed claimants who have shown actual injury from asbestos exposure to pursue their claims while deferring the claims of those who have not, thereby preserving available resources for those who are actually sick from exposure to asbestos.” “The OMA worked hard to require written medical proof to establish injury from actual asbestos exposure, and we now ask Ohio’s high court to preserve this important standard,” commented OMA’s Ryan Augsburger.  1/5/2017
