Options for Completing RCRA C Site Identification Forms


Facilities now have two additional options for completing the RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification (ID) form that is used for certain waste activity notification required by hazardous waste regulations.  The new options are Site ID Form Wizard (Wizard) or U.S. EPA’s myRCRAid service via its Central Data Exchange (CDX). The Wizard is a web-based alternative geared to users who are new to the hazardous waste program and may not understand the terminology (however, anyone can use it).  References to rule requirements and explanations are on each screen.  Using the Wizard should produce fewer form errors and omissions, thereby decreasing Ohio EPA processing time.  Once users have  entered all the required information, they can print, sign, and mail the form to Ohio EPA. The myRCRAid service requires a CDX account and can only be used for updating existing ID numbers, although U.S. EPA plans to allow new IDs to be requested via myRCRAid. Once approved, the user selects the ID Number to update and make changes to a pre-populated Site ID Form.  The form is electronically signed and submitted for Ohio EPA processing. To access these options and get more information, go to the Notification of Regulated Waste Activity web page.  Questions can be answered by Notification Coordinator Alexis Andrews at (614) 644-2621.
