OMA Opposes Bill to Raise Waste Fees by 60%


This week, the OMA opposed legislation that would harm Ohio’s manufacturing competitiveness by altering the state’s solid waste laws. Senate Bill 119 — introduced to address an influx of out-of-state trash — would raise fees on both in-state and out-of-state waste to $7.50 per ton. That total, which includes a new $1-per-ton fee to fund the enforcement of waste laws, would represent a nearly 60% increase from the current $4.75. Tim Ling, corporate environment director for OMA member Plaskolite LLC, testified on behalf of the OMA in opposition to SB 119. (Watch and read Ling’s testimony.) He told the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee that instead of a statewide plan to impose another financial burden on Ohio businesses, a local solution should be devised with the help of Ohio EPA. 5/30/2023
