OMA Gives Input to EPA on Storm Water Regs


Last week the OMA sent a letter to Ohio EPA’s Division of Surface Water Chief, Tiffani Kavalec, outlining manufacturers’ priority issues for the agency’s consideration as it undertakes a review of the general industrial storm water permit.  The current permit expires this year. The letter focused on regulatory expansion, background, sampling, benchmarks, and best management practices. Regarding EPA’s regulation of “best management practices,” Rob Brundrett wrote: “(O)verly or highly prescriptive best management practices eliminate the flexibility manufacturers need to comply with rules and operate efficiently. A too prescriptive practice certainly does not work the same way for all manufacturers. Flexibility is key in responding to permits and protecting the environment.” If you are interested in this issue, please contact Rob Brundrett at the OMA.  Subscribe here to OMA’s Environment Community to receive ongoing environmental updates.
