Ohio’s NOx Rules Up for Comment


Ohio EPA has revised rules contained in Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Chapter 3745-110, which addresses nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from Ohio sources. The chapter includes provisions on limits, testing, and record keeping. Ohio EPA determined that certain changes to the current regulations were needed, primarily because OAC rule 3745-110-03 contains site-specific facility rules that must be updated as the need arises. In addition, a new compliance methodology for the use of a temporary continuous-emissions monitor is being added to OAC rule 3745-110-05. Please see the rule synopsis for a complete summary of the proposed rule amendments. Comment deadline is Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2019. Comments must be submitted by either emailing Paul Braun at Ohio EPA or sending comments via U.S. Mail to: Paul Braun, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, DAPC, Lazarus Government Center, P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049. 9/12/2019
