Ohio EPA Looks to Make Changes to Nitrogen Oxide Emission Rules


Ohio EPA has issued an “Early Stakeholder Outreach” regarding emissions of nitrogen oxides. The agency is considering changes that may be required under the Clean Air Act in the event the Cleveland and Cincinnati ozone non-attainment areas are reclassified from marginal to moderate non-attainment. The Cleveland and Cincinnati areas are currently classified as marginal non-attainment areas under the 2015 ozone standard. The areas are required to meet the ozone standard by Aug. 3, 2021 based on monitoring data collected during the 2018-2020 ozone monitoring seasons, which extend from March 1 to Oct. 31 each year. Based on ozone monitoring data through Oct. 31, 2020, Ohio EPA anticipates that the Cleveland and Cincinnati areas will fail to meet the ozone standard by Aug. 3, 2021, as required. Comments are due Jan. 11. The OMA and its Environment Committee are following this development and are engaged with Ohio EPA. If you have questions, please contact the OMA’s Rob Brundrett. 1/7/2021
