New Ohio Rules for Portable Air Contaminant Source Relocation


New revised rules pertaining to portable air contaminant source relocation in Ohio were effective May 1.  The full text of the rules are located in Ohio Administrative Code rule 3745-31-03(B)(1)(p), and can be viewed on Ohio EPA’s web page. Key changes to this rule include:

  • One-time relocation approvals are effective for one relocation up to 365 days after approval.
  • Relocation site pre-approvals expire three years after the date of approval. Reduction in the required lead time for one-time relocation requests from 30 days to 21 days.
  • Elimination of the requirement for advance notice when relocating to a pre-approved location.
  • Permit-by-rule sources that are portable are subject to portable relocation approval requirements.
  • Addition of the requirement to notify Ohio EPA within 21 days of any relocation.
  • Consolidation of rule language in one location (from OAC rule 3745-31-03(A)(1)(p) and 31-05(H) to 31-03(B)(1)(p)).

If you have any questions regarding these rule changes, please contact your District Office or local air agency.
