Still Time to Tell Lawmakers to Repeal, Reform HB 6


Ohio’s House and Senate leaders say they want to take action on House Bill 6 repeal and/or reform during the current lame duck session. Several bills are under consideration, but only one has been endorsed by the OMA. Introduced by Rep. Mark Romanchuk (R-Ontario), a manufacturer, House Bill 772 would protect customers and markets by repealing HB 6’s subsidies, as well as the law’s “decoupling” mechanism that benefits FirstEnergy by rewarding it with unearned income from customers. Unlike the pending “straight repeal” bills, HB 772 would not reinstate energy efficiency standards (and rider) or renewable portfolio standards (and rider) that HB 6 repealed and modified. (For more, see this two-page summary.) If you haven’t yet urged your lawmakers to support HB 772, there’s still time. While the OMA has testified and heavily lobbied in support of HB 772, nothing is more valuable than lawmakers hearing directly from manufacturers in their districts. 11/24/2020
