Some Corps. Want Reinstatement of Renewable Energy Requirements


John Rego, Partner, with OMA Connections Partner, Jones Day, summarizes the state of play with respect to the state’s two-year energy efficiency mandate freeze. He says:  “With the end of the two-year freeze approaching, bills have been introduced in the Ohio General Assembly that would reduce or completely eliminate the renewable energy standards. … On October 25, 2016, nine companies, ranging from Whirlpool Corporation to Nestlé to Gap Inc., … urge(d) Ohio lawmakers to lift the freeze and restore the 2008 renewable standards. The companies argued that such standards, particularly energy efficiency mandates, would help them meet their corporate sustainability goals, while saving money and attracting clean energy producers to the state.” And:  “For his part, Governor Kasich has vowed to veto any effort to extend the freeze or kill the renewable requirements entirely, although he has signaled a willingness to replace the 2008 standards with less stringent requirements. Since the 2008 standards will automatically be reinstated absent new legislation before the end of the year, Kasich seems to have a strong hand to play.”  11/10/2016
