OMA Energy Group Appeals PUCO Decision HB 6 Rider


This week, the OMA Energy Group (OMAEG) filed an appeal with the Supreme Court of Ohio, objecting to the PUCO’s order that established the House Bill 6 “Clean Air Fund Rider.” This rider (a charge that appears on utility bills) is the mechanism that will provide Ohio’s nuclear plants up to $170 million a year in customer-funded subsidies. Without legal action or a last-minute act by the General Assembly, the collection of the $170 million in annual, customer-funded HB 6 subsidies will begin in three weeks – on Jan. 1, 2021. OMAEG’s appeal challenges the amount of the subsidies, the rate design of the mechanism collecting the subsidies, and the process by which the PUCO enacted the rate mechanism. The Dayton Daily News and Hannah News Service provided news coverage of this week’s legal development. The OMA is the only party fighting to protect manufacturers and families from unlawful, unjust and unreasonable charges imposed by HB 6. 12/9/2020
