Not Too Late to Pass HB 772 to Fix HB 6 Mess


As House leaders try to ram through House Bill 798, there has been continued talk about Rep. Mark Romanchuk’s (R-Ontario) repeal variation, House Bill 772. A growing number of House members are joining a bipartisan effort to discharge HB 772 from committee to the House floor, so it may be considered by the full body. The OMA wholeheartedly supports HB 772 and urges members to contact their state representative this weekend (preferably via mobile phone) to urge them to sign the HB 772 discharge petition. As of the deadline for this Leadership Briefing, the petition had been signed by several representatives. Once it garners 50 signatures, a majority of the 99-seat House, the bill must be considered by the full chamber. The OMA will publish the list of signatures next week. 12/18/2020
