Is Measuring & Reporting Energy Savings a Brainer?


The OMA Energy Efficiency Peer Network (EEPN) will hold a one-hour webinar on Friday, September 16, from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. – Measuring & Reporting Energy Savings in Manufacturing Facilities.  OMA manufacturing members welcome. Forty percent of Ohio manufacturers have established energy reduction goals.  And increasingly, manufacturers’ suppliers are being asked to set energy goals and to measure and report progress. But with changing production levels, weather, and energy prices, it’s difficult to set, measure, and report on energy savings goals. This webinar will provide a basis for measuring energy savings while factoring out changes in price, weather, and production. Our subject matter expert is Dr. Kelly Kissock, Ph.D, P.E., Professor and Chair, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Dayton (UD). Dr. Kissock has led the UD Industrial Assessment Center for the past 20 years, during which time the center has provided 476 no-cost energy audits to small and medium manufacturers.  Dr. Kissock is credited with pioneering the measurement of energy savings in manufacturing facilities.  His work is widely regarded and is used by U.S. EPA’s EnergyStar Portfolio Manager as well as the Evaluation Verification Organization, which publishes on energy savings measurement and methods. Register here.
