From Your Pocket to Theirs: Nuke Subsidies Unwarranted


The House-passed plan to create ratepayer-funded subsidies for Ohio’s nuclear power plants (House Bill 6) will discourage independent power plant developers from building new electricity generation in the Buckeye State, despite the ongoing shale boom. That’s according to new analysis by energy expert Susanne Buckley, managing partner at Scioto Energy, an OMA Connections Partner. Buckley says that HB 6 tells potential developers who are considering Ohio: “Beware! The playing field is not level. Participate at your own risk as we favor your competition.” She adds, “(T)he bottom line is that customers would be forced to subsidize two nuclear plants that are not profitable on their ow by paying them $176 million per year.” At the same time, the bill would “gut” the existing renewable energy and energy efficiency programs. 6/10/2019
