Energizing Manufacturing


The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) released a comprehensive study of the benefits of natural gas and natural gas infrastructure this week. The study finds:  “Total natural gas demand is poised to increase by 40% over the next decade. Key drivers will be manufacturing and power generation. U.S. supply is expected to increase by 48% over the next decade to meet new demand.” Among the economic benefits:

  • Natural gas access contributed to 1.9 million jobs economy-wide in 2015.
  • Shale gas put an extra $1,337 back in the pocket of the average American family.
  • New natural gas pipelines created more than 347,000 jobs, with 60,000 in manufacturing.

The study calls for more infrastructure development to allow American manufacturers to take full advantage of the U.S. natural gas resources. Read the report, and its summary, here.
