Deja Vu Bill on Clean Energy Standards


Just months after Governor Kasich vetoed legislation that would have weakened existing clean energy standards, House Republicans have introduced a similar measure. Together with 54 other co-sponsors, Rep. Bill Seitz (R-Cincinnati), Chairman of the House Public Utilities Committee, introduced House Bill 114. The bill revises and weakens enforcement of renewable energy standards and energy efficiency standards. With 55 co-sponsors, the bill has nearly enough co-sponsors to override a potential gubernatorial veto. The House will need to muster 60 votes to inoculate itself. Three hearings on the bill have been held so far. This week testimony submitted by Ceres, a non-profit sustainability advocacy organization, made the case against the bill, saying: “Nestle, Whirlpool, Owens Corning and others-support clean energy standards because they help businesses cut energy costs, avoid the volatility of fossil fuel prices, and help companies stay competitive.”  3/23/2017
