Bill Takes Aim at New Wind, Solar Energy


A pair of state senators from Northwest Ohio have introduced legislation to empower local governments to reject the siting of new wind or solar generation. According to analysis from the non-partisan Legislative Services Commission, Senate Bill 52 would allow township voters to hold a referendum to approve or reject new generation projects that have been approved by the Ohio Power Siting Board — the agency that has supervised the siting of power generation for decades. (An identical version of the bill has been offered in the House with House Bill 118.) Supported by groups opposing renewable energy development, SB 52 and HB 118 would detcer development of new wind farms or solar arrays, which already faces heavy restrictions in Ohio. OMA Managing Director of Public Policy Services Rob Brundrett reported on the legislation at this week’s OMA Energy Committee meeting, saying the bills may have a tough road ahead. The OMA is monitoring the legislation with interest and will be advocating for professional siting policies that allow markets to work, including markets for renewable energy and other energy innovations. Read more about the OMA’s energy policy goals. 2/25/2021
