October 5, 2012, Volume 1, Issue 97


Update:  On October 5, 2012, we filed testimony by John Seryak, consultant to the OMA, who will testify on behalf of the OMAEG in the hearing with FirstEnergy, which is set to begin on Monday, October 22, 2012.  Mr. Seryak’s testimony highlights the OMAEG’s initial objections and recommendations with respect to: (1) program offerings; (2) technical assistance for manufacturers; (3) quality in technical assistance; (4) bidding energy efficiency resources into the PJM market; (5) a shared savings cap; and, (6) prescriptive measures for manufacturers.  In the meantime, we will continue to participate in the collaborative process and attempt to come to an agreement with FirstEnergy regarding the OMAEG’s issues and recommendations.
