Litigation continues at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) regarding proposed FirstEnergy and AEP “power purchase agreement” (PPA) case settlements. The PUCO is expected to decide the cases in the coming months. If the PUCO approves the utilities’ proposals, all customers in each utility’s service territory would be required to pay non-bypassable PPA riders. Use this calculator to estimate what your company might pay. Concerned members should send a letter (on company letterhead) to the PUCO to express opposition. Include the case numbers in the subject line: PPA Cases 14-1693-EL-RDR; 14-1297-EL-SSO, and email to the PUCO. Here’s a model letter that you can customize and send. Please consider sending a copy of your letter to Governor Kasich and to your state representative and state senator, as well as to OMA’s Ryan Augsburger.
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