Appearing before a joint session of the Ohio House and Senate on Tuesday, Governor Mike DeWine used the occasion of his first State of the State Address to press lawmakers to enact a responsible increase to the motor fuel tax in order to fund infrastructure improvements. The governor sounded traditional themes: children’s initiatives, opioid abuse prevention and recovery, workforce preparedness, and water quality. On the subject of water, the governor announced his budget bill will include the creation of a new state fund, “H2-Ohio Fund” to invest in targeted solutions to ensure safe and clean water all across the State of Ohio. Regarding energy, DeWIne said, “Mr. Speaker, I share your interest in making sure that the air we breathe is as clean as it can be. I look forward to working with you and all the members of the General Assembly on an all-the-above energy strategy for our state that not only will ensure that Ohio’s economy remains competitive, but that also generates clean electricity that lights our homes and powers our businesses.” You can watch the recorded address here. 3/7/2019
DeWine Uses State of State to Urge Gas Tax Increase for Infrastructure Investments