Vision 2030: The Factory of the Future

NAM’s Manufacturing Leadership Council just released “Vision 2030: The Factory of the Future,” an examination of mega-trends that are rapidly changing the face of manufacturing.

“Today’s image of manufacturing as a dark, dirty, and unattractive place to work will give way to a bright and exciting new reality. This reality is in the early stages of formation today as trends such as connectivity and networking, information and process digitization, advanced analytics and computing, and new models of production like 3D printing take hold and play out,” the study summarizes.

“As manufacturing becomes increasingly connected and information-intensive, every functional aspect of the enterprise is likely to be affected, from design, to manufacturing through supply chains, and extending to customer service and support. Along the way, the skills people will need for manufacturing jobs may require significant change. Many manufacturers will have to undertake significant cultural, organizational, and management changes if they are going to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital revolution.” 3/28/2019