PUCO Chairman Haque Steps Down

This week PUCO Chairman Asim Haque submitted his letter of resignation to Governor DeWine.

In a PUCO press release that included a list of Haque’s significant accomplishments, Haque said: “I would not be doing this experience, nor my feelings about public service to this state any justice by expressing the common refrain of being “honored” to have served. It is of course true that I am deeply honored to have served. I think, however, it is more revealing, more personal for me to say that this experience has been an absolute dream. …”

Haque described his next position: “… I have accepted a job with PJM Interconnection in suburban Philadelphia. It is the regional transmission organization and wholesale market operator for thirteen states (including Ohio) and the District of Columbia. Its mission is similar to that of the PUCO’s, as PJM is tasked with providing reliable power at least cost to a large footprint in this country. …” 2/4/2019