OMA Responds to Announced Closure of Nuclear Power Plants

The OMA and the National Federation of Independent Business/Ohio (NFIB/Ohio) today responded to the announced closure of three nuclear power plants by FirstEnergy Solutions (FES).

Earlier this week, FES announced it intends to deactivate three nuclear power plants over the next three years — Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station and Perry Nuclear Power Plant in Ohio, and Beaver Valley Power Station in Pennsylvania.

FES has been unsuccessful in convincing Ohio lawmakers to approve a customer-funded bailout for the financially failing plants.

OMA President Eric Burkland said in the joint press statement: “We take no joy in First Energy Solutions’ recent announcement, but make no mistake — it is not the inaction of Ohio policymakers that led to this. Ohio decided nearly 20 years ago to move to a competitive energy market. Many generation companies have successfully adapted and continue to thrive. And Ohio energy customers are, without question, coming out ahead.”

OMA and NFIB/Ohio, along with other pro-consumer groups are advocating for energy policy that protects Ohio consumers from unfair rate hikes. House Bill 247 sponsored by Rep. Mark Romanchuk is one such bill currently being debated in the General Assembly. 3/29/2018